hi everyone! i'm vitas. i use he/she pronouns.
i write fanfiction. if you want to read all of it, i have links to my subpages and annotated fics. yes, i annotated them.
i also linked my interests.
my dms are always open. i always enjoy reading what people have to say! and i always enjoy positive feedback or new ideas!
i also have personal updates, music reviews, journals, and oc information here. go nuts!
i think anyone will interact with my content regardless of if i want them to or not. there's no point in saying otherwise. the point of this space is a silent protest against the nature of interactive social media itself.
are we focused more on the nature of the thing being made/the act of creation itself, or are we focused on who will see it? that is the environment i want to cultivate around myself.
anyone who creates to create is my friend. but i believe it is more clear than people think- those who create genuinely and those who follow.
the journey to something beyond yourself is not easy, but it must always be done.
i have the choice not to interact back, if i want. but i'm usually willing to talk to pretty much everyone at least once.